It manages the activities of Staff Examiners Appointment Promotion Discipline Committee;
Provides an interface for Heads of marking venues to capture/recommend erring staff and examiners for sanctions.
An online catalogue of applications used across Council offices.
This is a platform where private candidates can now make requests for their certificates which would then be delivered to any WAEC office of choice
WAEC Control Card System is scripts logistics directory which allows Branch and Zonal offices to route candidate scripts to their respective examiners and marking venues. It is used by staff of Branch and Zonal offices to control scripts for Marking and Coordination exercise.
The WAEC Custodial-Centres, Supervisors, and Packing List (CuSP) Portal is a platform that allows WAEC Offices nationwide to manage information on security materials custodial centres, and examination supervisors. Additionally, the platform allows the management of logistics information for the supply of security material to offices and custodial centres nationwide.
Platform to access and confirm WAEC certificates with ease
A website for recruitment of suitably qualified applicants to fill vacant positions in WAEC
WAEC intranet is an office management tools designed to allow various officers access to Council office resources and documents. This portal makes available some of the documents and information that are frequently required in the course of WAEC operations.
It contains intercom directory, Leave forms, Loan application forms, Touring advance form etc.
This is a new electronic Interactive system that helps all new WAEC candidates who enroll for WAEC examinations to engage themselves and bridge the communication gap between them and the council. This can be defined as a shared information and dissemination platform.